The April issue for Ubqari 2015 is centred on tips for better sleep and eyesight. Following is my share in this good deed to help others:
Before sleeping, take 2 or 3 soft and green onions weighing about 5 tolas or one chathang and boil them in water. Then in half a glass of hot milk add these boiled onions and drink this by taking little sips. Inshah Allah, you will be able to get rid of sleeping pills and Mash Allah you will be able to get a lot of sleep.
Rubbing your head with the oil of poppy really helps to bring about sleep.
Also oil of pumpkin helps in a similar manner too.
Rubbing mustard oil on the soles of your feet helps in making you sleepy.
Performing ablution before going to bed also helps.
Reciting the third kalma while lying on the bed helps
After performing ablution start reciting Quran, this will help you sleep better.
Reciting YA QAREEMیَاکَرِیْمُ while lying on the bed will help in bringing about peace and sleep.
Before sleeping, put a pinch of coriander (dhanya) under your tongue, this will help.
Put some soeay ka saag near your pillow, this makes a person sleepy.
Putting mehndi leaves in your pillow will make you sleep better.
Drink the tea of BABOONA herb according to your need.
In a glass of cold water add 2 tablespoons of honey mix it well and drink it.
Reciting Durud Shareef will cure your inability to sleep.
Rubbing the cream of yogurt helps too since the oil of kaddu originates from here.
Eat a good mango and drink one glass of milk over it, this will help in preventing constipation and you will be relaxed.